BEST VIATOR TOURS TO BOOK FOR MEDITERRANEAN CRUISES (Barcelona + Rome + Naples + Venice + Dubrovnik)
Going on a Cruise is an excellent way to explore the Cities around the Mediterranean Sea; if you factor in all the expenses for accommodations and food, it might end up being cheaper if you are able to find a discount cruise to go on. For those who haven't been on a cruise, I recommend getting to the city where the port of call will be a day ahead of time. This would allow for leeway if there are any delays and so you can explore the port of call city. Most Mediterranean Cruises start from either Barcelona or Rome because they are both Transport hubs and easily accessible by everyone from around the world. When you Cruise the Mediterranean, there are many fantastic stops along the way to see including Barcelona, Rome, Naples, Pompeii, and the surrounding Italian Islands around Mt.Vesuvius, Venice, Dubrovnik, Ephesus, Athens, the Greek Islands, Paphos, Jerusalem, and Alexandria. Although all cruises will offer offshore excursions, they are expensive, so I would consider looking into...